Monday, 28 October 2013


hello everyone! 
Anna here today and I'm gonna be blogging about
jeng jeng jeng
me and nat's fav topic or hobby or whatever you wanna call it
Many people work out to.. lose weight. I would say 80-90% of the people exercise and diet to lose weight. Once they have hit their desired weight, they lose motivation and stop working out. 
Today it's gonna be fitness 101 which means it's for people who want to start working out/losing weight but have no idea where to start. 

First thing's first! 
I or we are no fitness trainers and I/we are just speaking from our personal experiences. So if you disagree with us on anything that I/we have said, are free to have your own opinion??? I mean this is what we do on a regular (sometimes) basis so yeah :-) 

1. Diet. 
1 thing about dieting that many people ignore: 
food is fuel and you need fuel to even start exercising!!!! So dieting is NOT starving yourself.. in fact I don't even like to call it dieting. I see it as more of a lifestyle change haha

Things that you should cut down/stay away on: 
greasy food
fried food (which is greasy food right..?) 
white/processed carbohydrates (includes white bread, white rice, all that asian favs yup) 
sugary snacks (sweets, chocolates, cakes, pastries) 
Sweet drinks (ANY sweet drinks - carbonated or non carbonated. It still contains sugar)
say goodbye to all of these: 
 (ya delicious.......*cringe*) 

can't really think of anymore but these are basically what nat and I stay away from. As tempting as it gets, we try not to over eat any of those if we end up having those really bad cravings.
As miranda kerr said "if you want a piece of choclate, go ahead eat it. Just don't end up eating the entire bar. Its about 20% indulgence" 
idk if it's 20% but you get the idea.
In case you didn't know, I'm a big big big big big carb lover. 
I can eat sushi all day everyday :''''') 
just looking at rice makes me chinese.
this is why i am asian

as i was saying, don't cut carbs out of your life entirely. that's just..... impossible haha (For me esp) 
but opt for healthier options like brown rice or wholemeal bread. or maybe just have it once or twice a week. may not seem like a huge difference but as you know!!!! A LITTLE GOES A LONG LONG WAY.

2. Exercise
For those who haven't exercised in....... forever or the last exercise you had was walking from your bed to the fridge to check for food, I would say, start simple. 
Eg, a 2km run? If that's still quite difficult, then 1.5km? It doesn't matter how much/little you start with, your stamina is gonna keep improving and you'll notice a huge difference
fun fact: I couldn't even handle 2.4km last time in sec sch (i failed my mock napfa test lul) but now 5km is no biggie haha
nat failed her 2.4 almost her entire sec sch life but now she's doing 6-8kms (so proud of my bbg <3) 
The first step is going to be the hardest. Forcing yourself to run is gonna be difficult but if you push yourself hard enough I'm sure you can do it!!! :-) 

If you want to do (for example) cardio 1x a week and exercise at home 1x a week then sure go ahead.
There are a lot of health/exercise videos on youtube
1 of the famous yotubers that does insane in the membrane workout videos is cassey ho!!! Otherwise known as blogilates. Her workout vids are guaratee to give you a sore body the very next day
go youtube her @blogilates and you can do cardio/targeted muscle workouts!! 
Nat and I have been doing her videos for quite a while but not anymore cos we don't have the time to even exercise but we just try and squeeze in at least a 3km run 2x a week. :-) 

Another underrated youtube channel is xhits. 
ESP THEIR MILEY CYRUS LEG WORKOUT. I did it on saturday and daaaaaaaaaamn my legs and butt are still aching 

3. Motivation 
i know its hard to be constantly motivated... some days you just want to lie in bed and eat ice cream (or in my case, rice) all day and not exercise cos u see absolutely NO point in it. 
Don't see the results, don't see the point in continuing. Right? 
Nat and I have been there countless times. 
I've been on an hiatus for about a month and it felt horrible cos I was constantly tired and afraid that i wasn't gonna lose weight so I simply don't eat.
Nat has been sooo swamped with school that she can't even find the time to exercise. 

Well here's my take on it: 
If you don't treat your body well, or give it the treatment it deserves, it obviously isn't going to function the way you want it to or give you the results that you want to see.
 It's like eating macdonalds 3x a day and hoping that you will lose weight. Don't exercise or opt for a healthier lifestyle if you're not going to stick to it or you're only doing it for the sake of losing weight. 
I mean, yes exercise means burning calories which means hotass body but if that's the ONE and ONLY reason why you're doing this then just stop. We, nat and i, do it for the adrenaline. The feeling of sweat dripping down your neck after a good run or the feeling of running till it doesn't feel like you're running anymore. Honestly, working out is happiness. Sometimes when I run, I'll suddenly start smiling to myself (like wtf am i crazy?) and I'll just think of how right some things are in my life. I'm not sure how to explain it, but it's a feeling that keeps us going.
that. is our motivation. 
You don't have motivation, you won't be consistent. If you're not consistent then...... you know the answer
If you're doing this just to lose weight, then you're gonna lose motivation after a month esp if you don't see results that you THOUGHT you would get. 
Don't treat losing weight as what exercise is SUPPOSED to give you. Treat it as an incentive, like a reward for treating your body right. What working out is SUPPOSED to give you is adrenaline and happiness.

Well, I took 1 hour to type this out. I hope you enjoyed it!!!
May those of you embarking on your fitness journey find the joy in working out :-) just like us.
We started, only to expect ourselves to lose weight.. we never knew how good it made us felt in the end.

alright, philosopher quek is out!

nat told me to post this hehe